Collection of palms at Lancetilla
The Botanical Garden has an wide collection of palms from around the world. Most of the species - some almost 80 years old - are individual adults. In this page we want to present the diversity of this plant family that can be found in the Botanical Garden.
Acrocomia mexicana Karw. Ex C.Martius |
Archontophoenix alexandrae (F.Muell.) H.Wendl.&Drude |
Arenga saccharifera Labill. |
Attalea cohune Mart. |
Attalea luetzelburgii (Burret) Wess.Boer |
Astrocaryum standleyanum L.H.Bailey |
Bactris gasipaes Kunth. |
Bentinckia nicobarica (Kurz.) Becc. |
Borassus aethiopum Mart |
Chamaedora sp. |
Chamaedorea elegans Mart. |
Chamaedorea seifrizii Burret |
Chrysolidocarpus lutescens |
Cocos nucifera L. |
Cocotrinax sp. |
Elaeis oleifera (Kunth) Cortés |
Cryosophila warscewiczii (H.Wendl.)Bartlett |
Dictyosperma album (Bory) H.l.Wendl.& Drunde ex Scheff. |
Bractis gasipaes Kunth |
Heterospathe elata Scheff. |
Latania commersonii J.F.Gmel. |
Licuala grandis H.Wendl ex Linden |
Licuala muellerii ???? |
Licuala peltata Roxb. |
Livistona chinensis (Jacq.) R.Br. |
Livistona saribus (Lour.) Merr. ex A.Chev. |
Metroxylom sp. |
Phytelephas macrocarpa Ruiz&Pav. |
Ptychoraphis angusta ???? |
Ptychosperma elegans (R.Br.) Blume |
Ptychosperma macarthurii (H.Wendl.ex H.J.Veitch) H.Wendl.ex Hook.f. |
Raphia taedigera (Mart.) Mart. |
Roystonia dunlapiana Allen |
Sabal mexicana Mart. |
Salacca edulis Blume |
Syagrus orinocensis (Spruce) Burret |
Veitchia merrillii (Becc.) H.E.Moore |
Veitchia winin H.E.Moore |